Spring Break Overview

As Spring Break ends tonight and Classes begin tomorrow morning I think about what I have done the past week. My dad and I drove 2800 miles in 6 days averaging 467 miles a day. This was actually more fun than it sounds. We got as far south and east as Tallahassee Florida. With the exception of adding 1 qt of oil the A8 worked wonderfully. I came to realize that some of the stereo types that are though of about the south sadly still exist today.

It was amazing to me that the speed limits meant nothing to the persons driving on the interstate. A speed limit of 70mph really means 80mph and if your doing 80mph your in the slow lane. Traffic moved between 85-90 and at times faster. This combined with the very fast lane changes leaving little room for error makes me think that everyone thinks they are a driver for NASCAR. Lets just say that the German A8 had no problem keeping up with the NASCAR fans.
Stopping in Memphis on the way home was fun. I took a tour of Gibson Guitars and saw how they were made. I always love to see all that goes into a product or item. I also took a tour of Sun Studios. This is where Elvis, BB King, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee and many other artists recorded at. It was neat to see all of this because I had learned about it in my History of Rock and Roll class this semester.

Here are some photos of the trip. Facebook viewers you must got to my webpage to view the photos. Http://blog.LiquidRetro.Net

Here is the route of where we went.


The Quitman, GA office.

The Ocean

Gibson Guitars

Gibson Guitars

Gibson Guitars

Sun Studios

The Million Dollar Quartet

The vocal Mic that all of the Sun artists used to record

The Audi A8L in Color

The Audi A8L in B&W