Yesterday I got a CT Scan of my sinuses and I asked the doctor for the images and then I made a video of it. The video is made up of 381 slices through my head. The slices start at the tip of my nose and then go through the head to the back. The results were that everything is normal and the way it is suppose to be. No infections or blockages. The reason why the left side looks large is because I was not sitting perfectly straight in the machine and was at a slight angle.
Jones Coffee Photo Show
UNL Photo club has an exhibition up at Jones Coffee (11th and G st) till March 31, 2009. I should have posted this a few weeks ago but got busy with school and things. Go see the show if you have the chance and grab a nice cup of tea (or coffee if you prefer) while your at it. Below are a few of my photos in the show.
My photo is the toaster in the top right corner

A close up of my photo (Toaster)

My second photo second from the left.

A closeup of my second Photo.

Nebraska’s Blue State Capitol?
Yesterday I was driving back to campus from Jones Coffee house where I helped photo club hang our exhibition (Photos coming soon). I noticed that the state capitol building had blue light shining on it from all 4 sides. I though this was cool so I stopped and snapped a few photos. These were taken hand held with my Fuji F30 P&S while leaning against as lamp post. Does anyone know why it was blue last night?

The pictures below are of the capitol during a evening when it is normally lit. I took these in the summer of 2007 I believe. They may have already been posted here but they are worthy of being posted again.

Light Painting or Light Graffiti
Wow, a month gone by and no update. I really need to be more frequent and I will try hard to get this done.
UNL Photo club picked a very cool and creative topic for a theme recently. It was Light Painting and Graffiti. I made some LED Light pens out of LED, Clear Vinyl Tube, Wire, Lithium Batteries, a Resistor, and a Switch.

I built these using a combination of previous knowledge and with a little help from the following websites
My roommate and I decided that January in Nebraska was way too cold to go outside and do some more of the typical things that are seen with this type of photography so we stayed inside and experimented in the kitchen.

Toast anyone?

Thit Bo Xao Dau Dinner
Tonight I made Thit Bo Xao Dau a Vietnamese recipe I found on my iPod Touch using the AllRecipies application.

The recipe was very good. I added a few carrots to it and followed the directions of the first commenter who suggested a slightly different cooking method and to use fish sauce.
Buying the fish sauce was a bit of an adventure. I went to a local oriental market. When I went in the place was just packed full of merchandise. You could barely walk around in the place, because of this I just asked where the fish sauce was and then went there. It was an adventure finding it even in the correct isle. Every type of dark brown sauce ever was there, 3/4 of it were various soy sauces and then there was many other types too. On the opposite side of the isle there was tea. Being a tea fan and being low on tea currently I tried to find something I would like. I wanted a nice black tea that I could make good iced tea out of or drink hot. After finding, White, Green, Red, and Various health teas (Very interesting everything from help with the Male bits, Love making tea, to sore throat, and general health) I found some of what I think is black tea. Tung Ting Oolong Tea I am looking forward to trying it out tomorrow.
2008 Animated Christmas Light Show
The 2008 Animated Christmas Light Show has officially started. This weekend we got the show up and running. Right now we only have one show running but we expect the second song to be added this week with others coming soon. For updates check out
Here is a link to the first song post and video on the lightshow’s website
Carol Of The Bell – Mannheim Steamroller Of The Bell – Mannheim Steamroller
Great Plains Photos
I recently joined my universities photo club and this week theme was “Great Plains” We were suppose to go out and take some pics then bring them to the meeting later in the week for comments. Because the weather the rest of the week is going to suck (Possible Snow ) I drove a short distance out of town last night and took a few photos. I was lucky enough to find a farmer who was still harvesting at sunset which was exactly what I was hoping for.
For more images check out the gallery here
The 2008 Lightshow Has Begun

For More info follow the link