Lincoln’s breath taking sunset 5/30/2010

I have a soft spot for sunsets of all types. I am not sure what it is, maybe the intense colors or cool clouds that often occur. Lincoln has a great sunset every once and a while, especially when storms are rolling in. Sunday May 30 2010 this exact thing was happening and I just happened to catch it out the corner of my eye. I grabbed the camera and went out on the deck and snapped a couple of photos. I then decided to drive to Holmes Lake. Unfortunately the lovely pink had disappeared from the sky and the clouds had rolled in more. I still got a couple of nice photos though.

More photos of the trip will be posted over the coming weeks. I am going to make a real effort to keep this blog updated. We will see how that goes.

First Thunderstorm of 2010

Last night Lincoln received its first real big thunderstorm of the year. Parts of Northeastern Lancaster County were even in a tornado warning, but in south Lincoln we got just a sprinkle of rain and some impressive lighting. I went out on the back deck and took a few photos of the impressive clouds. The storm was a bit odd because it was spinning counter clockwise so the storm came from the southeast.I really like how the panoramic turned out.

It was really cool to watch all the photos people were posting to Twitter with the #LNK hash tag. You got minute by minute updates on the conditions around town with pictures. @MrWilson has created a cool website to follow the #LNK hashtag at Also anyone with a twitter account who wants to stay up to date with the weather should consider following these people/companies on twitter who announce current weather as well as any watches and warnings that are issued.

@LincolnNEAlerts is a neat service provided by SWAS Sever Weather Alert System that for most cities in the USA tweets hourly the weather conditions at the official weather station (In Lincoln its the airport). They also announce when watches and warnings are posted.

@NEZ066 is a twitter account that I believe is only for Lincoln, Nebraska that only posts the most up to date watches and warnings. It is very fast and almost instant from when the National Weather Service issues the statement.

So here are the few photos I took last night

As of right now it looks like we are going to get another round tonight!

Expect more blog posts this week I have some great ideas for future topics.

Husker Football Spring Game 2009 Photos

The Husker Nation sure is a dedicated crew. When you can get over 77,000 people to attend what can only be described as a glorified practice its a good day for a great game. All week the weather was forecast to be rainy for the game. Well the weather men were wrong! It rained before the game but cleared up perfectly for the game its self. The entire game was sunny and warm. You could not have asked for better weather.

I decided to bring my camera to the game because I had great seats (Thanks mom and dad). It has been a while since I had shot sports but considering I was in the sands I think I got some decent results.

More photos can be in the gallery

Nebraska’s Blue State Capitol?

Yesterday I was driving back to campus from Jones Coffee house where I helped photo club hang our exhibition (Photos coming soon). I noticed that the state capitol building had blue light shining on it from all 4 sides. I though this was cool so I stopped and snapped a few photos. These were taken hand held with my Fuji F30 P&S while leaning against as lamp post. Does anyone know why it was blue last night?

The pictures below are of the capitol during a evening when it is normally lit. I took these in the summer of 2007 I believe. They may have already been posted here but they are worthy of being posted again.

Great Plains Photos

I recently joined my universities photo club and this week theme was “Great Plains” We were suppose to go out and take some pics then bring them to the meeting later in the week for comments. Because the weather the rest of the week is going to suck (Possible Snow ) I drove a short distance out of town last night and took a few photos. I was lucky enough to find a farmer who was still harvesting at sunset which was exactly what I was hoping for.

For more images check out the gallery here