Wisdom Teeth Extraction/ Finger Update

Well Last week on Memorial day I got my stitches out of my fingers. It actually took longer to get the stitches out than it did to get them in. The doctors office was slow and they were having some computer problems. My fingers look good and they are healing nicely. I am putting tape on them for the next few days to make sure they stay together and heal well.

Tuesday I drove Audi A8L about 650 miles across Nebraska. I went from Lincoln to Overton to Lincoln to Council Bluffs, IA to Lincoln again. An employee of my dad and I went to evaluate the condition of several semi hopper trailers. I was mainly the driver and photographer for the event and the employee knew all about the trailers and what they were worth etc. Wednesday I took him back to the Omaha airport to fly home. The car is just a great car to drive. It is the only car I have ever been in where you dont get pains in it and your not tired from driving at the end of the day. It also communicates what It is doing on the road very well. The speed warning is a nice feature so you can keep in a somewhat legal speed because its really easy to pass someone at 90+ MPH. The navigation system is also a great tool on a cruiser like this is.

Today I had my wisdom teeth out. Over all it was an ok experience. The worst part so far has been the no eating or drinking before surgery. I was given an IV to be put out. However, towards the end of surgery I woke up. I could not feel anything but I could open my eyes, look around, and hear what was going on. I could see the nurse and doctor with a large silver looking screw driver in my mouth. I tried my best my moaning and pointing with my fingers that I wanted more drugs. They just kept saying that I was almost done. They said that they were backing me off of the anesthetic and this was normal. But the next thing I remember was the doctor saying he was all done and was going to set me up right. I was not happy that this had happened because the IV was suppose to prevent all of this. They gave me another shot of Novocain to numb one side of my lower jaw in which they had to drill and split a tooth and dig out several small roots.
One of the worst things had been trying to eat. I could not feel my lips or chin for about 6 hours. I had to eat in front of a mirror in order to find my mouth. You don’t realize you much you religh on tough to eat. The pain is controlled right now but people say the 2nd and 3rd day after surgery are worse. I hope not and I will find out soon.